Monday, August 23, 2010

Of Annoying New Age Priests and Sci-Fi

Nothing annoys me more than annoying New Agers spouting off meaningless dribble in sci-fi movies. Nothing against the New Age movement personally, but all this "come to union with yourself", "find your own spiritual power", "learn to evolve beyond hate" etc. rhetoric is just a little too much like the New Thought movement of the early 20th century. The more a character gets zen (or Zhaan), the more she\he is likely to make startlingly incomprehensible, utterly meaningless statements. Don't get me wrong, I think an examination of the belief systems from which New Age Thought came from, like Buddhism, are well worth exploring, but I have less use for their exploitative Western equivalents. So, lets have a little less Zhaan and a little more true Buddhist Zen, not its diluted New Age equivalent

1 comment:

  1. of all the new agers, Zhaan might be the most likeable. It always comes off as pretentious though.
