Sunday, March 27, 2011

Battlestar Galactica Season 4 and Sucker Punch

I am watching BSG season 4 right now . . . about half way through it. It's o.k., but the story is stretched pretty thin. The lawyer character introduced from season 3 is really the only interesting character left, though Tom Zarek and Rosselin are interesting on occasion. I also hate how Apollo is portrayed as being naive for looking for a democratic solution to problems. Typical Hollywood love of dictatorial regimes, which Rosselin's certainly is.
Sucker Punch looks like an interesting movie, but I heard that the reviews are not good. Still, five cute Elvish-like girls kicking German butt is bound to appeal to the best (and worst) in us. Let me know if you like or hate Snyder's latest contribution to film (or as the snots at my school call it, 'the visual medium').

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your assessment on season 4. It wasn't very good. Sucker Punch was good. I have a review of it coming up. I am looking forward to your views on how they portray mental illness.
