Sunday, July 18, 2010

Best Hitler stand ins

So, I decided to make a list of my best sci-fi Hitler stand ins. Scorpius is on that list of course. He is suitably evil and though not concerned with genetic purity, he does have that certain sense of menace that all great villains have. From Doctor Who, I would nominate Davros, particularly in the episode Genesis of the Daleks. Davros is intensely committed to genetic purity, and has that desire for self-perpetuation that is at the heart of all genetic dictatorships. Servalen, from Blake's 7, has that Nazi-like demeanor and uncaring nature for other life, characteristic of all the best of the worst dictatotrs. Star Trek never really gave us a sufficiently menacing dictator, but Khan Noonian Singh wasn't bad. Finally, Babylon 5 gave us the eponymous President Clark and his henchmen among the Shadows. Which sci-fi dictator would you rank first (from this list or any other). Personally, my vote would go for Scorpius or Davros. Who do you think is science fiction's ultimate baddie?


  1. Well, since V is just allegory for WWII, I propose Diana as Hitleresque. Magneto has also at times became what he hated. The Terminators might be the ultimate baddies and have a genetic purity thing of their own going on.

  2. Good nominees. I just don't see Diana as frightening as Scorpy or Davros, but just my personal opinion.
