Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Buck Rogers and Genetic Perfection

As a series, Buck Rogers frequently plays with the idea of women and men looking for the "genetically perfect mate". Princess Ardala has the genetic hots for Buck and Buck himself is deeply attracted to "Miss Cosmos". The theory in the series goes, in so much as it is a theory and not an excuse for incredibly skimpy outfits, that the bodies of beautiful men and women will be highly sought out genetic commodities in the future. As much as I hate to admit it, the series actually has a fairly interesting point in this regard, though it would have been more interesting if they had just used the traditional genetic collection techniques of a sperm bank. Then again, seeing Gil Gerard pouring his seed into a cup would probably traumatize me for life. On the other hand, many men would love to know more about the lovely Erin Gray, but I digress. Seriously, though, it's interesting to speculate on what the "beauty market" of the future will be like, when that market is genetically, rather than randomly controlled. It may likely produce a new form of racial hygienics based on beauty rather than the fitness of the German or American volk.

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