Monday, January 3, 2011

Buck Rogers, or Stupidity Made Manifest

So, I'm watching Buck Rogers for my sci-fi Encylopedia. It's truly abysmal. The series has some of the worst acting ever, even if it is meant to be camp. Politically, it says absolutely nothing, except that the capital of the new world order will naturally be in Chicago (because Mayor Daley did such a good job there in the 1960's, the 25th century naturally had to follow suit). The sexual politics of the series are deeply repulsive. I mean all the eye candy is gorgeous, but I don't like seeing women being objectified the way Buck Rogers so clearly does. Even when compared to series like the old Battlestar Galactica, Buck looks weak. At least the old BSG had some heart, and even one or two characters you could care about. And the dumb android in this series, Twiki, is even worse than Boxey's daggit. All I want to do is put a gun to Twiki's head and pull the trigger. God, what a series.


  1. Bee-dee-bee-dee-bee-deep Happy New Year!

  2. I loved it as a child. Loving it as an adult is likely to be challenging. I saw a piece of an episode or two as an adult but it was too painful to watch the whole show.

  3. I don't know, I might have spoken too soon anyway. The series does have a stupid kind of charm, which I can't explain . . . it's just, the charm isn't as great as with the original BSG, which was a little more "kid-friendly" and therefore closer to my own childhood nostalgic series (Lost in Space and Star Trek). In short, the problem may not be entirely Buck, but my own slight prudishness.

