Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's Alive and Abortion Politics

I recently watched the horror\sci-fi classic, It's Alive. Although I do think the film is somewhat overrated by sympathetic critics, I found much to recommend in it. In particular, I like how it brought up various takes on having children and then shocked you with how the film viewed those takes. For instance, the father in the picture, rather than being fiercely protective of the mutant child, wants it destroyed, a seeming parallel with the abortion debate, but later grows to love it, only for the government to destroy it. There's also a regrettably anti-birth control theme that connects birth control pills to environmental pollutants in a quite schlocky manner. As a film, It's Alive suffers somewhat from an overextension of the script. That being said, there's plenty of ideas to play with here, so I recommend it to any horror fan, especially of the Catholic persuasion (God, I can't believe I'm saying that). Just don't expect the movie to endorse easy pro-life\pro-choice positions.
Keywords: mutant baby, Catholic

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